Of course, when it came time for me to get a new phone, I just had to have a Blackberry. The chance to answer e-mails when I’m out shopping, being able to be in touch with anyone at anytime is honestly what I need.
Well dear Blackberry Curve, I’m sad to say-I’m not in love with you anymore. My e-mails don’t sync up with you. The turning yourself off whenever you feel like it, the battery pulls I have to constantly do, trying to answer a call and people saying it paused before I said anything. I hate it when you lag as I want to Tweet. I mean, I even had to get you a new roller ball and already, a month later you are rejecting it again.
You’re just not the phone I thought you were. What happened to you?
I need a reliable smart phone. You’re just not cutting it anymore Blackberry.
I think RIM has been having issues. I have a new BlackBerry and I have to do a battery pull on it at least once a day. It takes an average of 7-11 minutes to reboot. Annoying!
.-= Tanya @ Mommy Goggles´s last blog ..Get Debt Free with National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) =-.
Awww love gone bad. lol
.-= Kasandria´s last blog ..Review: Army Wives Season 3 DVD =-.
LOL THIS is why I don’t have a cell phone…OR a crackberry.
.-= Shan @ Last Shreds Of Sanity´s last blog ..Just Another Wordless Wednesday…{First Spring Leaves} =-.
I love love LOVE my curve….. However, it’s time for a chance for me, the next Tour doesn’t look like it’s going to be coming out for a long while and that’s what I’ve been waiting for Sooooo Looks like I’m going to be upgrading OUT of the Blackberry line, 🙁 I’m going to miss it but it can’t compare to the Devour.
.-= Gina´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Swagbucks! Have you joined? =-.
I actually just upgraded my curve to a storm 2 and LOVE it. No problems no nothing! It’s super awesome!
.-= Brittany´s last blog ..Trying To Focus =-.
I got a curve from DH for Christmas and I hate it. I have to pull the battery all the time too. It freezes, it sucks. I want a flipping palm pre. I wanted a palm pre. I got a curve. 🙁
Okay, blackberry has saved my life on many occasions. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating just a little… but it’s saved me a ton of time!