Healthy eating can sometimes seem hard but with the help of HueApproved, you can find even better options!
Easy & Fun Way to Choose Healthy Products: HueApproved Scanner

When developing a way to gauge the healthiness of products, HueTrition wanted to ensure that they embraced several core beliefs that HueTrition holds about leading a healthy lifestyle:
- That real, whole minimally processed food cooked at home is usually a healthy choice.
- That packaged products are convenient and unavoidable and okay, just not a healthy choice for every meal every day.
- That healthy eating is based on a pattern of choices and not on a single food, ingredient, macronutrient, or micronutrient.
- That food is more than the sum of its nutrient parts.
- That a wide range of products and foods can fit into a healthy pattern.
- That dietitians and food coaches are on staff to help individuals develop their own healthy pattern.
How It Works:
Simply click the Scan button and use your device’s camera to capture the product’s barcode or enter the product name into the input field and search for a match.
It will look up the nutritional value of the product in the USDA Food Database, analyze, and return a HueAppoved Score.
Click here to learn more about the HueApproved scanner!
HueTrition Offers Private Online Cooking Class With a HueChefs
- They Talk on HueTrition Live to learn more about your goals.
- They send you a shopping list. You should shop the morning of your cook date to ensure the freshest ingredients.
- They Connect on HueTrition Live at your convenience. You cook together via video from the comfort of your kitchen, and guide you step by step for a delicious meal.
- You Eat! A personalized menu along with heating instructions will accompany each cook date.
All you’ll need for this subscription is a computer with a webcam or phone with a camera feature and access to the internet.
Check out their HueTube channel that is loaded with great nutritional advice! And shop for healthy products and services at the HueShop.
We have a giveaway below but if you visit HueApproved – you can also enter to win a Complete Healthy Home Cooking Kit – that’s over a $200 value!
I have two great cookbooks I consult- “The Sneaky Chef” and “Wow! This is Sugarfree”: the recipes are scrumptious and nutritious, my grand kids love my food.