Everyone who blogs wants readers. You wouldn’t spend time planning out your posts and working on great info. if you didn’t am I right?
Here are just some SMALL ideas to make sure you keep those readers coming back to your site.
- Respond back. When you have an individual comment on a post, check out their site (if they have one) and return the comments. This is also a great avenue to build your relationships within the blogging community.
- Participate in Memes. Wordless Wednesday is a great option. This will bring other participants to your site and a definite way to show who you are. Catch their attention and they’ll want to read more.
- Twitter. This “mini-blog” site is another perfect way to connect. Post when you have a new post up. Talk about what you are working on.
- UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE. A blog reader doesn’t want to come back and see “Oh hey, I already read that.” Let your reader see the new and latest post you have. If you only post once in a blue moon, you probably aren’t going to have new readers coming back.
- THINK about what you are writing. People don’t want to hear about your ingrown toenail. Just went on a Summer Vacation? Tell people about it!
- PICTURES. It breaks up the everyday line after line.
That is just a small list. What keeps you coming back to a blog?
I’ve been trying to think of more ways to get people coming back too. This is a great list!
Live giveaways, fun stuff like that. The blogs I follow daily grabbed me in with live giveaways because I was able to chat with the blogger and other bloggers live, which is rare.
Thanks for the tips! I need to blog hop more! That’s almost a sure way to get people coming back. Develope friendships via convos back and forth on each other’s blogs!
Another tip is to visit new blogs. I always leave a couple of comments so they know I was there. Sometimes they check out my blog and follow me. Giveaways are good for attracting new followers too.