Headaches coming Back

So it has been several weeks since starting my fibromyalgia medication. The foggy feeling for the most part has decreased and it’s just random spells, I think it’s more of when I have overdone myself. I still get the yawning to the point my eyes water. I have been drinking more water as I feel dehydrated. With what I do in esthetics as school, I can tell I need more water with how my skin feels too. I know being on prescription meds can have a drying effect on anyone.

The thing that concerns me, are my headaches are getting frequent again. The knots and tightness in my back are there once again. It makes me nervous. Even though I was “foggy”, I didn’t get the bad headache. My back didn’t feel ouch. Is my body just not going to like these meds? I was supposed to be taking the muscle relaxer to sleep at night. It isn’t putting me to sleep like it had been doing.

A few classmates are also enrolled in the massage therapy program at school. They’ve tried working on me with trigger point therapy and while for a few I might be relaxed, the knots work their way back faster than I would like.

I’m really trying to think of more things that I can do to feel normal. Now I know the weather has an effect on me but there’s gotta be something more to do. I was also told by someone that yoga could help with pain.

This truly is a learning experience to figure out what I need to do.

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  1. I have arthritis and other probs and I find any meds cause more inflammation for me and that can cause more swelling and pain. I don’t know what is causing your pain, but what works for me is vigorous exercise every day. Also I find certain foods cause problems, such as milk and carbs. I do best on low inflammation foods and exercise. Good protein foods and veggies. Something to try.
    There are certain vitamins that help, too, such as omega 3, I take every day, magnesium, etc. (Magnesium helps relax you, too.) Iodine and natural progestone I have to use. Look online for others.
    Weather also affects me and overdoing unusual things like house painting or gardening if I do it all day, but I am older than you.
    Right now I have a cold or virus so I am having migraines and face pressure. So I take tylenol and decongestants but they are a two-edged sword. They help with the pain but I swell up when I use them so I need to go and walk or keep moving. Do you notice you get more stiff when you stop moving? I do. The more I move the better.
    Just thought I would throw out a few extra ideas for you. Googling things has really helped me when doctors haven’t.

  2. Gentle yoga helps me, and the chiropractor has been wonderful. I thought chiro was a bunch of crap until I saw the x-rays of my neck. It’s no wonder I had chronic headaches. My neck was so straight it was starting to curve in the opposite direction from what it’s supposed to.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Know Who You’re Pitching =-.

  3. The muscle relaxer might not be the right one for you , or just not a good one for sleep. there are many others & alternatives too. W/ trigger point massage or injections you really should be using someone that knows fibro, as it can make you flare in another part of your body, just like with regular massage & chiro, if they do not know fibro they can make it worse. moist heat helps a lot before any massage or stretching, even if just in a shower. and the meds for fibro may not help with the headaches, as they can be caused by something else… unfortunately it takes time to find out & try crap… and what works one time, may not the next, kwim? I am glad the foggy part of the meds is lessening, they never did for me. small steps & try to keep a diary of what helps, what the weather is like, ect… you will find patterns & then it will help you cope later on, as you learn more of what is going on with your body. everyone is different.
    .-= Faythe @GMT´s last blog ..Wondering wizards… the mystery goes on! =-.

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