Happy Birthday Kelsie
Four years ago at about the time I am writing this, I was arguing if it was time to go to the hospital or not. You have grown so much little girl and you make me smile everyday. I looked through my Facebook pictures the other night and could remember all the different pictures I’ve taken of you. It is hard to believe that you have been with me for four years-I remember going to the hospital like it was yesterday. Thank you for giving me the sunshine I needed in life and making me see the world from a whole new set of eyes, as your mommy.
You are my angel. You are my goofball. You are my peanut butter!
When I look at the old pictures and I look at you now, you are not my baby anymore. You are nothing but little girl. A smart little girl.
Happy Birthday Princess
Kelsie Heather Marie
February 3rd, 2007
7lbs. 9 oz. 20.5inches.
Happy birthday sweetie… you are adorable!
You are very lucky to have such a wonderful mommy, too.
May all your dreams come true!
Such a sweet and adorable little girl. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day and be sure to give your mom tons of hugs!
What a cutie. Happy Birthday!
Happy BDay!
Happy belated little angel!! always obey your parents..