TNT has done it again. What you might ask? None other but create another incredible Johnson and Johnson Spotlight Presentation Movie, GIFTED HANDS: THE BEN CARSON STORY.Based on the true story of Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, one of the world’s top pediatric neurosurgeons today. Cuba Gooding, Jr. steps into the role of Ben Carson in a way you will never forget as well as Kimberly Elise’s role as Ben’s mother Sonya.

In Gifted Hands, we see a young boy grow and push himself to the top of everything he does. Gifted Hands is a story filled with inspiration. The husband and I sat down together to watch Gifted Hands and both couldn’t help but smile as we watched Ben’s accomplishments after realized his love for learning.
Dr. Carson was the first doctor ever to successfully separated conjoined twins joined at the back of the head. Each patient that Dr. Carson has, he takes interest in and has helped many families. Honored and respected by many, he has also earned the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
i saw that movie last night it was great.!!!!!!!but terrible how races one lady was in the movie.. but still good movie.
I ENJOYED this movie. The boy that played young bennie (Jaishon Fisher) did an awesome job. I highly recommend everyone watch it. What a great motivater the mother was…wow!
This sounded like a great movie. Maybe I can catch a rerun of it someday.