Garage Sales and Kids Play Date!

I’m still fighting this dang headache but I think some of the medicine is starting to work. Today, Tanya is swinging by for the kids to play and of course, she gets to tease me with her NEW Jeep! I’m so excited to see her and check the Jeep out but heck yeah, I’m jealous! I’ve wanted a Jeep since I was a little girl so Tanya, I promise I’ll try my best not to drool.

The weather is starting to turn itself around so hopefully, I will have a chance to check out some garage sales as the girls are growing like weeds! Both are extremely tall so those shirts aren’t covering little bellies and I’m not too big of a fan of high water pants. How do you like to garage sale? Do you have any tips?

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  1. I LOVE garage Sales!!
    Here are my tips for ya 🙂
    1. Go early before everything is gone
    2.Go late on last day because 99% of the time they will give you anything you want for practically nothing!
    3.Map out your route the day before, check your local wantads and/or craigs list, once you see where you want to go make a mapped out plan.
    4. If your like me you will garage sale all day long. Pack a cooler with snacks, peanut butter sandwhiches and drinks!
    5.Bring a buddy, its always more fun when you are with someone else 🙂

    and last but not least..Have FUN!!!

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