FREE Holiday Cards from Shutterfly!

FREE Holiday Cards from Shutterfly! 1

With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to start getting those Christmas cards prepared and ready to send out. I can admit that I am a procrastinator normally with this so I’ve been working on getting addresses rounded up in a plan to have all my cards ready to go by the 1st of December.

FREE Holiday Cards from Shutterfly! 2Shutterfly is known for creating personalized goodies to remember forever and you can make those unique holiday cards that people will be sure to love. From traditional Holiday decor to the bright and funky colors of designs such as Puzzle Pieces, you are in control of the design of your cards. I love that the Puzzle Pieces card has vibrant colors but stays classy as well.

This is my first year planning out having our own Christmas photo cards made but overall, I think photo cards are a great idea. With the girls’ grandpa being all the way in Florida, it gives us a way to share pictures of Kelsie and Aubrey.

As I was going through pictures, I realized that getting a decent picture of both girls together is just plain impossible.  I like the idea of a card because it gives the chance to get good picture of each child and show their true personality.FREE Holiday Cards from Shutterfly! 3

Another gorgeous design I love is the Mod Snowflakes. I love that it is square, giving it a unique look. It is a one-picture card so if I could get the girls to both put on those smiles and look at the camera, it would work. It’s a non-traditional design but I love that it is bold and colorful at the same time.

Looking at all of the Shutterfly card options, I love the options you can choose from to pick out the cards that are right for you and your family. With plenty of designers and choices of colors, etc. picking out just one style you love will be impossible.

And as 2010 draws to a near, we can’t miss out on the chance to celebrate the bringing in of 2011 with New Year’s cards! We remember the years past events and memories and you can share those with family and friends. I loved the below Many Memories Sparklers New Year’s card design.

FREE Holiday Cards from Shutterfly! 4

Do you want 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly? Click here to go to Shutterfly for information on how you can get 50 free cards this holiday season, and make sure to select Clever 1000 as the referral source.

This post is part of a series sponsored by Shutterfly. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

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