Exercise 101-My Day Today "Priceless Lesson"

So Iowa State made me get a workout today! I got to campus around lunchtime to meet up with an advisor for a form I needed to feel out. Climb the steep steps up to the second floor of East Hall to find a note on their office “Be back at 1:15” Okay then. Down back the steep stairs and back to Memorial Union. Go to the Food Court and grab a few things. Wait around for a bit.

Back to East Hall. Back up the steep set of stairs. Find my advisor. Get form. Advisor tells me to go downstairs to other office. Alrighty. Go downstairs. Find out the drop box I need is in the office I was just in. Back up the stairs! (Mind you I have my backpack on with laptop, notebook, and three textbooks in it)

Ok out of East Hall. Have to get name changed on my records and my student ID. Walk all the way across the green to Beardshear Hall. Talk to someone at Student Answer Center. Have to go to Alumni Hall first. Out the door and around the circle I go. Alumni Hall. Up the stairs again. Back to Beardshear Hall to get a new student ID.

Time to debate whether to stay on campus and taking a few tests or head home to Steven and the girls. Start the trek back to Memorial Union (atleast I’m not going back to East Hall). Forget it. Shirt sweaty from backpack. Head to parking ramp.

So my Priceless Lesson for the Day
1. Strawberry Lemonade Powerade $1.79
2. New Student ID $20.00
3. Parking in the MU Parking Ramp $2.50
4. Working up a sweat on campus without even going to Lied Rec….PRICELESS

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