Stop spamming my site. I mean really, do you think I’m going to let that comment through? And nope sorry. No Viagra either. While I’m sure there’s maybe 1 person that comes through my site that *might* take you up on your link, I think not. K?
Thank god for the Askimet plugin.
So, if I posted 12 links on your site for porn, viagra, cheap rims for hot wheels, buy 12 get one free sunglasses – you will let my comment through? Sheesh. Hard ass. 😆
I’m with Tanya. You’re too much of a hard ass. 😉
Thank god my spam filter catches most of that stuff. I’d hate to open my mail one day and there be like… a million pr0n messages. It would make me sad.
That and the UK lottery one drives me nuts!