Dear Grandpa,

Hi Grandpa!

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss you, I hope you know that. It’s really tough down here without you around. I know you are watching out for us each and every day but man, how I wish I could hear your voice and what you “have to say”. I need your blunt and to the point remarks. They always make me think.

I miss calling the house and hearing Grandma say “Grandpa said he knew it was you…checking in with our daily call.” I saw a bunch of sugar free candy the other day. I would have gotten you each and every bag for Father’s Day.


I promised you when I was little I would always watch out for Grandma. I really hope I’m up to par with what you wanted of that promise. She misses you alot Grandpa, make sure she knows you’re still there, will ya? I hate to see her hurting.

GrandpaGraduationMy little girls miss you Grandpa. Kelsie saw your picture from when I graduated and brought it to me, “Mommy Grandpa”. Yes baby girl, that’s Grandpa. You know he loved you very much. Don’t worry Grandpa, they’re going to know how much you loved them. I only hope I can pass on as much love and compassion you had for everyone. You’ve got some pretty big shoes to fill.

I promise Grandpa I’ll make you proud. I just really hurt right now and wish you were here. I might be a grown-up now but I still wish I had those Grandpa hugs. No matter how old I am, those big hugs always made me feel safe.

I need you Grandpa. I love you more than you’ll ever know. No one will ever take your spot.


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  1. You need a disclaimer at the top of this post that says, “Grab tissues before reading.”

    That was a very nice, sincere post.

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