Day 4: An Experience That Made You Who You Are Today
This is a tough one. I’ve had an interesting life to say the least LOL. I’ve met quite a diverse type of people throughout my life but I love it because it’s made me a person that can see the good in everyone (sometimes to a fault) but it makes me able to get over barriers and I have friends of all ages and backgrounds.
Becoming a Mom opens your eyes in a whole new perspective. You see the world differently and your life truly becomes about someone else. Sure, sometimes it’s tough work but I love every minute of being a mom.
Kelsie is my first born. She is my star. You never realize the emotion that will truly sweep over you when you see your child for the first time and know they are a part of you. No matter how exhausted you just were, the pain, the fear, it all disappears.
Aubrey is my turkey butt and she has been since day one. Aubrey was born weighing 9lbs 4 oz., the cord around her neck, and with full on back labor. She does things her way 😉
Both my girls have formed who I am today and everything I do. I live for my kids. I am going to school in Law Enforcement to help make the world better for them and the other children out there that might not have it as my kids do. I love my children. I love all children. They are the future.
I feel the same way–my kids are in their 30’s now, but they are still my babies!
totally agree – being a mother is the best thing ever, and the first moment you see your child is something that you will never, ever forget.
I agree! Beautiful post!