My girls love their stuffed animals. Whether we are on the road or laying down to sleep, they always have one of their buddies with them.
With the chance to create their very own special pal, it was no surprise to see how excited they were when they were able to try out and make their own Wuggle Pets, right here in our home. These fun little characters are small enough to fit in Mom or Dad’s hands but bring plenty of big smiles.
The Wuggle Pets Starter Kit includes:
- Cuddly Puppy And Magical Unicorn Pets With Clip Attached
- 1 Fun Filled Factory
- 2 Bags of Fluffy Stuffing
- 12 Personality Charms per Pet
- 2 Bags of Magic Dust
- 2 Birth Certificates
- 1 Zipper-Up Tool
Now Aubrey is three but when it comes to anything puppies, she has to check it out. With a little help from Daddy, in about five minutes, she had “Woof” the Puppy. Dad helped her put the fluff into the factory along with sprinkling the dust inside so he’d be filled with magic. We let Aubrey pick out the personality tags for Woof as well, which ended in him being a pretty full of personality pup 😉
There were a few times turning the handle took a bit of effort but with Daddy’s help, she was able to get Woof filled up with fluffing and his magic dust.

From start to finish, I would say it took less than five minutes to create her Wuggle Pet and he’s been going everywhere with her. Kelsie also made her very own Unicorn and both girls have their Wuggle Pets birth certificates hanging in their room.
The Starter Pack is available for $19.99 and lists everything as shown above. If you have more than two children, the Party Pack would be perfect for you and includes even more Wuggle Pets including everything to make eight Wuggle Pets and is available for $49.99. This would be an awesome party activity as well where each child could take a Wuggle Pet of their very own home.
Wuggle Pets are available online for purchase as well as Facebook and Twitter.