Celebrate with Scentsy this Holiday Season #giveaway

Celebrate with Scentsy this Holiday Season #giveaway 1

I have always been a fan of candles. Of course, being a parent, safety comes first and having that flickering flame to interest a child just doesn’t pan out for a candle lover.

Celebrate with Scentsy this Holiday Season #giveaway 2

For a few now I have heard about Scentsy, but just recently got the chance to check out these safe candle alternatives.

Using a low-watt bulb, a Scentsy Wax Brick or bar is then melted, spreading the selected fragrance. We live in a two bedroom apartment and our Scentsy mid-size warmer has given enough fragrance that it easily spreads through most of our apartment. Celebrate with Scentsy this Holiday Season #giveaway 3Scentsy creates a unique way to personalize your home with a variety of warmers to match any decorative style. Whether you are decorating for the holidays and looking for a holiday warmer or you want a design that complements your home no matter what the season, Scentsy has it.

When I started looking at Scentsy, I was amazed at the selection. We have several black-trimmed furniture pieces so I decided on the Raven Mid-Size Warmer. The warmer has a high-gloss glaze that gives it a beautiful detail. With over 80 Fragrances to choose from as well, I was in complete awe and no idea where to start! I picked out three fragrances-Eskimo Kiss, Autumn Sunset, and Twilight. Overall, Eskimo Kiss was definitely my favorite-just enough light scent to warm you up :). The Autumn Sunset is a perfect for fragrance the fall weather that has begun. The Twilight is a very bold scent so it was a bit too much for our apartment.Celebrate with Scentsy this Holiday Season #giveaway 4

Using Scentsy is simple-turn on the bulb, break off a section of the Scentsy brick and wait for it to begin melting. The wax stays warm but not hot enough to burn a child. I stuck my finger in to test it out myself and was okay. The warmer does get a little hot after it’s been on for awhile but I could still pick up the top section and manuever it where I needed to. Want to switch scents? Simply pour the wax back into its container if there is still fragrance, wipe down the warmer with a paper towel and take a section off the brick you want!

Taryn Dwyer is an independent Scentsy Consultant that loves sharing the world of Scentsy with her customers. As a fellow Mom and her own business owner through Scentsy, she’s got the extra time to be with her children while enjoying a product she loves-Scentsy. As I said this was my first actual experience with Scentsy and Taryn answered questions that I had and shared information about the latest Scentsy happenings.

I will definitely be purchasing more from Scentsy knowing that I don’t have to worry about a flame for the girls to be curious about or the chance of getting hurt.


One For The Love of Baby! reader will have the chance to win a FULL-SIZED Warmer and three scents! (Does not include specialty (campus, military, cause) warmers but does include holiday warmers.)

Enter To Win (Mandatory Entry)

Take a look at Taryn’s Scentsy Site at Who Needs Wicks. Take a look around and tell me your favorite scents you’d like to try!

Additional Entries (Above Must Be Completed First!)

  • Become a Follower of WhoNeedsWicks on Twitter. Leave me a comment with your Twitter Name! One Additional Entry
  • “Like” Who Needs Wicks on Facebook One Additional Entry
  • Twitter this giveaway! Make sure your followers know that they have the chance to win Scentsy as well! You must leave a comment with your status link so I can see that this was followed. ONCE Daily Unlimited Entries
  • Blog about this giveaway linking back to For The Love of Baby! and Who Needs Wicks!
    Five Additional Entries
  • Comment on any NON-Giveaway Post. Leave a comment here letting me know what post you commented on. UNLIMITED Entries!

This Contest is open to US AND CANADA Mailing Addresses! Contest will end October 21st, 2010 at 11:59 PM CST. Winner will be drawn at random. Winner will have 48 hours from the time e-mailed to claim prize.

I received product to help facilitate my review. All opinions are that of my own

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  1. just peachy ginger, eskimo kiss,christmas cottage, and the mocha doodle bar

  2. I want to try My Dear Watson, Eskimo Kiss, and Flirtatious! Liking on Facebook now!

  3. I think I would really enjoy the Inner Peace and Blueberry Cheesecake scents!

  4. I would love to try the Cranberry Spice and the Lucky in Love scents the most.

  5. Would love to try Baked Apple Pie, Gingersnap, and Hazelnut Latte to name a few.

  6. I would love to have the cranberry muffin scent for the fall! I also like Central Park Pralines.

  7. I like the scents in the Bakery Collection especially the Cranberry Spice scent.

  8. My three favorite scents are mochadoodle, pumpkin roll, and snowberry. Thanks for the contest!

  9. Central Park Prailine, Clove & Cinnamon, White tea & cactus

  10. I would like to try the christmas tree and pumpkin roll scent, I love the holiday ones

  11. I would like to try Central Park Pralines, Poinsettia Pine and Maple butter…I’m so ready for the holidays!

  12. My favorite is the Vanilla Walnut. I’d also love to try Christmas Tree and Vanilla Cream. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  13. I would love to try the Eskimo Kiss scent, sounds yummy.

    bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com

  14. Following Who Needs Wicks on Twitter @Xizelle

    bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com

  15. Following Who Needs Wicks on FAcebook @Alisha Lesage

    bakergurl02 @ yahoo dot com

  16. i would love to try the baked apple pie,christmas tree and sticky cinnamon bun

  17. follower of WhoNeedsWicks on twitter

  18. liked who needs wicks on facebook
    angela m

  19. I would like to try the Just Peachy, Ginger and the Christmas Tree scents. 🙂

    I follow you on twitter @DeidreDeals

  20. I would like the Sentimental Cider scent and Cinnamon Bear scent

  21. I’d love to try the Cozy Fireside scent
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  22. I’d love to try Vanilla Suede, Cozy Fireside and Honey Pear Cider.

  23. Sunkissed Citrus Scentsy Bar
    Perfectly Pomegranate Scentsy Bar

    Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

  24. I’d like to try the baked apple pie bar and the eskimo kiss bar.

  25. I would like to try any of the Winter Scents, especially Central Park Pralines.


  26. Wow!! How do you ever choose what scent you want?! I want to try them ALL!! 🙂 Okay, I’ll pick a few that sound good to me: Just Peachy, Ginger! Camu Camu Enchanted Mist Peligro Mediterranean Spa

  27. I would love to try the Hazelnut Latte Scentsy Bar, Cucumber Lime Scentsy Bar and Just Peachy, Ginger! Scentsy Bar.

  28. So many great scents to choose from, I would love to try the Havana Cabana and Black Raspberry Vanilla

  29. Hmmm, Cucumber Lime, White Sands, and Berry Blush sound really good!

  30. Kahiko hula, Christmas cottage and home sweet home are the scentsy I would like to try. I don’t tweet but I have visited your fb site. I am seriously thinking about joining Scentsy to sell and need to save up for the kit. Hope I win.

  31. I’d love to win a Twinkle Mid-Size Scentsy Warmer because it is just so cute!


  32. I would love to try Thunderstorm, Ocean and Christmas Tree! They sound great! I’m a candle fanatic.

  33. There are so many scents I would love to try… here are a few…
    baked apple pie, blueberry cheescake, christmas cottage, eskimo kiss, cozy fireside, pumpkin roll, sugar cookie.

    livelovelaughwithleslieblog at gmail dot com

  34. I would love to try Christmas Cottage and My Dear Watson. They sound GREAT!

  35. Lilacs and Violets
    Home Sweet Home and
    are 3 scents I would like to try. Thank you.

  36. I’d love to try the Baked Apple Pie, Autumn Sunset and Coconut Lemongrass scents

  37. oh wow theres too many! id like the lucky in love, the autumn sunset, black raspberry, beach.. i could go on and on

  38. The Black Raspberry Vanilla Scentsy Bar sounds absolutely amazing!

  39. I like to trythe Eskimo Kiss Scentsy Bar, Autumn Sunset Scentsy Bar and Flirtatious Scentsy Bar

  40. I would like to try the Black Raspberry Vanilla, cinnamon vanilla and the baked apple pie scents.

  41. The Just Peachy, Ginger and Coconut Lemongrass scents sound amazing!

    kiwidragon117 at yahoo dot com

  42. I would love to try the mochadoodle

    Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com

  43. Follow who needs wicks on twitter @Timshaun291
    Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com

  44. Following who needs wick on twitter ~ @henglish
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  45. Like Who needs wick on facebook ~ Huguette En
    henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

  46. I would love to try Christmas Tree, Eskimo Kiss and Beach. Thanks!

  47. I like Who Likes Wicks on Facebook as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

  48. id love to try the Coconut Lemongrass Scentsy Bar,Christmas Cottage Scentsy Bar and Blueberry Cheesecake Scentsy Bar

  49. I’d love to try the Eskimo Kiss and Baked Apple Pie scents!

  50. I’d like to try Lucky in Love and Black Raspberry.

    txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

  51. I’d like to try the Cozy Fireside Scentsy Bar and the Christmas Cottage Scentsy Bar.
    michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

  52. Follower of WhoNeedsWicks on Twitter. iiiyadirf
    michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

  53. “Like” Who Needs Wicks on Facebook
    michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

  54. I would like to try Enchanted Mist, Cozy Fireside and Christmas Cottage.

  55. Perfectly Pomegranate Scentsy Bar and Orange Dreamsicle Scentsy Bar 🙂

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  57. Pingback: Scentsy for The Entire Family | 2010 Holiday Gift Guide