Don’t Miss These Deals for Amazon Prime Day 2018

Amazon Prime Day is almost here

Did you know Amazon Prime Day has already launched several worthwhile deals you can take advantage of now? [eafl id=”25672″ name=”amazon prime day” text=”Amazon Prime Day”] is known for some amazing deals and savings for just about anyone and everyone under the sun. Our family has already been taking a look at the sneak peeks. […]

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Five Fashion Accessories and Investment Pieces

Five Fashion Accessories and Investment Pieces 9

While fashion accessories elevate any outfit, there are investment pieces that turn any memorable apparel into an iconic ensemble. So what exactly are investment pieces? From the name itself, they are accessories that are extravagant enough to be “invested” in. This is not to say that any expensive accessory is an investment piece, because there […]

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Catch Up With The Ultimate Hotel Transylvania Giveaway

Catch Up With The Ultimate Hotel Transylvania Giveaway 15

School’s out, summer is here, and we have the perfect giveaway for you! Grab your monster sized popcorn and get ready for the ultimate family movie night! Our family loves watching movies together and you’ll love this giveaway! Just in time for this summer’s highly anticipated release of HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3: SUMMER VACATION you can enter to win a […]

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