Purse and Handbag Pattern Designers

Handbag pattern designers

As I’ve learned to sew more this past year, I have loved finding resources to help all around. It is amazing the amount of possibilities when it comes to creating and learning. While there are many out there, I wanted to create a list of purse and handbag pattern designers online! These sewing patterns are […]

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Iowa Tornadoes March 2022: How You can Help

Iowa Tornadoes March 2022: How You can Help 1

Over the weekend, Iowa was hit with extreme weather once again that resulted in an EF3 Tornado in Winterset, Iowa and atleast 7 fatalities have been reported. The tornado path continued for a wide portion of Central Iowa. There have been a variety of ways others can help those impacted during this time. Iowa Region […]

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Last-Minute Digital Gifts for Christmas

family looking at a picture taken with polaroid

This year, you might have found yourself in shipping delays or just didn’t have the chance to find those Christmas gifts you thought would be perfect. I can even admit a package I was expecting tomorrow is likely delayed until New Years. Here are some Last-Minute Digital Gifts for Christmas! Digital Gifts For Email Delivery […]

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Are Online Courses Right for You?

man in black and white stripe dress shirt sitting on chair in front of macbook

Online courses and distance learning are incredibly popular options when it comes to studying for a degree or just learning a new skill, and there are plenty of ways that you can use this way of studying to help boost your career or help you delve deeper into a subject you are passionate about. Online […]

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Amazon Prime Day Deals for 2021

Amazon Prime Day Deals

As an Amazon Associate I earn from a small portion from any qualifying purchases. Anyone that has ever used online shopping to their advantage knows that Amazon features some of the greatest shopping deals you can find. So it’s no surprise people are excited for the latest Amazon Prime Day Deals for 2021! No matter […]

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