I knew it was only a matter of time. Migraine full force. Anyone that has suffered from migraines knows Tylenol laughs at you thinking it will work. I’m off to cry.
Talk about a Rude Awakening
There is nothing worse than waking in the middle of the night becase of pain. Last night/this morning I woke to some of the worst nagging sharp pain in my back that was radiating from my rib down to my hips and around the front to my chest. It made me sick to my stomach […]
Bring on the Trigger Point Injections
For those that have been following my @mommyjenna on Twitter account, I’m sure you’ve seen the lovely issue I’ve been having with my back recently. Simply put, it sucks! I started having pain the best way to describe it is right where the lower ribs meet spine. At first, it was sporadic, coming and going. […]
I’m Frustrated.
My doctor can’t tell me where all this weight gain is from. There’s other issues going along with it but that’s a whole other bucket of worms. I’m mad. I went once again to the doctor and he flat out told me, “I don’t know”. Yes, I cried. “Are you okay?” NO. He drew more […]
I’m Fat.
I have sat here and fought myself whether or not to post this. Sooo many people in my life have given me the “Shut up”, “Whatever”, “I’d do anything to look like you” when I’ve expressed my concerns and I’ve been fighting to get my doctor to understand that something is not right. I am […]
Scratch That, I DIDN’T need trigger point injections!
So, I was anticipating today that I’d be encountering a round of trigger point injections all over again. NOPE! My doctor said I’ve been doing great from what I told him and because of that, we’re pushing it out. If I need to get in before the next appt., I just need to let them […]
Trigger Point Injections Round 4
I have another trigger point injection appointment today. I’m not as nervous as I have been. This past time, I think it made a difference BUT, the steroid effects right after the appointment those first few days were brutal. I had a fever, I was HOT to touch, and just felt very sick. It sucked. […]
Round Three of Trigger Point Injections
Friday, I met my new pain management specialist/anesthesiologist. It’s become a general idea that we will continue with trigger point injections so long as I feel like they are helping. There is a possibility of needing something more such as an epidural block but no point putting myself through more than necessary, right? I can […]
Finding Closer Pain Management Care
Since the first time I was referred to Iowa City, quite honestly, I was given hell by everyone about, “Why do you have to go so far? You need to go somewhere closer.” Really? Um because if I had a choice yeah, I’d totally pick the god awful long drive to get injections and the […]
Stab Me In The Back, Please
Since about a week before Christmas, I have been in a pain flare-up. I’ve had a constant headache but it keeps wavering back and forth. I got thinking about it and honestly, I need to stop referring to my headaches as migraine as if I tell you I am diagnosed with chronic daily headaches-that probably […]
The Past Few Weeks
I have dealt with a migraine episode since about a week before Christmas. It sucks. I’ve had to go into Urgent Care to get a shot of Torodal and still fought the pain that quickly goes back to full force.I can’t believe it when I say that I was “sassed” for not taking Vicodin prescribed […]
More Physical Therapy, More Trigger Points.
Since my last trigger point injection appointment, I started physical therapy again at a new clinic. I was really hesitant to go at it again but they told me to do it. Fine. Luckily, I have been very happy with my physical therapy through the clinic here in Nevada. I actually feel like I’m being […]
I let them stick a needle ABOVE my eye…
On Monday, my cousin went with me to Iowa City for another appointment with my Pain Medicine Specialists. Overall, I have felt a difference since the first injections. A few weeks ago, I started feeling more pain and having issues again but, I knew the things wouldn’t last forever. Now anyone that knows me understands […]
Surgery, WTF?
Today I was told I have to have surgery, there are no other options. Despite me saying that surgery is not possible with my life circumstances, this doctor gave me no options, no try a different medicine for the time being to provide some relief…nothing. Yet I’m told we need to open my nose up […]
Round Two of Trigger Points Coming Right Up!
Believe it or not, the 25th is almost already here and it will be another round of trigger point injections for me. I have a cousin that is going to be going with me this time (she is a lifesaver!) but I think it will be a blast to be in the car and chatting […]