When people are young, such as being in their 20s, they usually are in pretty good shape and their bodies are thin and taut. However, nature tends to be cruel, people’s bodies yield to gravity, and they develop fat around their midriff called “love handles.” Fortunately, just because people develop these fatty deposits around their […]
5 Reasons to Obtain a Bachelor of Science Degree If You’re a Registered Nurse
Nursing is a unique field that allows those interested in pursuing a career in it to have several options that lead to the same results, a license as a Registered Nurse. It might be true that having only an Associates Degree (AND) will allow you to sit for your boards, more nurses than ever are […]
Tips to Prepare Hemp Milk for Babies
From clothing to food, products derived from the cannabis plant are all over our health stores and high streets. Once just available in dispensaries, industrial hemp is now driving the mass adoption of CBD for sale— with oils, supplements, and even milks becoming increasingly available. If you’ve come across hemp milk in your local supermarket […]
5 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Stay Active
Exercise is important at all stages of life. But for kids, it’s imperative. Physical activity reduces the risk of disease, strengthens the body, prevents weight gain, builds confidence, manages self-esteem and improves cognitive skills. These are all fundamental aspects of a child’s development that influence their future success and overall well-being. Royalty Free Photo Moreover, […]
Mommy Jenna, Help! My Baby is Grinding Their Teeth
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can be alarming for a new parent. MommyJenna shares details of what to do if your baby is grinding their teeth.
5 Things To Include on Your HCG Diet Menu
If you want to lose weight, you’ve probably tried almost every diet or weight loss plan that exists. Even if another plan works for a friend or relative, that doesn’t mean it will work for you. After struggling to lose weight, consider the HCG diet, which utilizes a low-calorie plan. The HCG hormone is another […]
From Unbearable to Barely Noticeable: 6 Coping Strategies for Tinnitus Patients
Tinnitus has been defined as the loss, and or damage of the tiny hair cells within the inner ear. These tiny hair cells are charged with reducing the damage to the innermost workings of the ear. Tinnitus can become an issue as someone ages or with prolonged exposure to loud noises. There is no actual […]
When You Need a Helping Hand: 7 Tips on Choosing the Most Suitable Caregiver
As you or someone you know ages, it can be difficult to take care of them or yourself on your own. If you need a helping hand, it is nothing to be ashamed about. It is better to have you in a safe environment where you don’t have to worry, than your large home with […]
How to Help Your Teen Cope with Anxiety
Teaching your teens healthy coping mechanisms to manage anxiety is an integral part of raising a well-rounded young person. But when we, as parents, are already juggling so much in our own lives—the bills, the house, a mortgage, etc.–it can be hard to truly appreciate the gravity of the changes your child is going through. […]
Worried Your Child May Have Allergies – the Steps You’ll Want to Take
When you first bring your little one home from the hospital, you want nothing but the best for them in life. Your job as a parent is to love them, support them, protect them, and care for them, and the last thing you want to think about is any health issues or challenges. So, what […]
Warning Signs of Eating Disorders to be Aware of
Eating disorders are serious illnesses and can be extremely worrying both for the person experiencing the eating disorder and for those close to them. As a rule, the earlier an eating disorder is noticed and diagnosed, the better the chances of recovery. With this in mind, it’s vital that people know some of the common […]
Helping Your Kids Avoid Sports Injuries
Sports injuries may sound like one of those boring things only adults need to worry about, but actually, things like strains, sprains, stress fractures and other common sports injuries can be just as likely to happen to kids. The same things that cause sports injuries in adults can also affect children; for instance, not using […]
4 Benefits of Genetic Counseling for Expectant Parents
Did you know every human cell contains approximately 25,000 genes? During fetal development, genes act as a blueprint, determining every physical and biological characteristic of your growing child. However, one minor error in just one gene can have serious medical ramifications. Genetic counseling helps expectant (or potential) parents better understand certain ethnicity-related disorders, identify whether […]
Knowing Your Rights After Medical Mistreatment
There are a lot of misunderstandings about what exactly constitutes medical negligence. Even the best doctors are expected to make mistakes sometimes – we can’t really expect people to be perfect. When mistakes are made, there are a number of factors to consider in determining whether the event rises to the level of negligence. Are […]
Autism Behavioral Therapy: A Guide on What Works Best
Did you know that in 2018, 1 in 59 children were diagnosed with an autism disorder? Autism is becoming a well-researched disorder, and luckily there are many types of treatment available. There are several different autism therapy techniques, so how do you decide which one will help your child the most? Scroll down to learn […]