BlogHer ’09! Chicago

Sooo, yesterday I officially learned BlogHer ’09 will be in Chicago! That’s not TOO far from me! Well I think it is safe to say, I’m GOING!!!! I said something to Steven about it and he was talking about me renting a car to go soooo I think that’s an affirmative ladies and gents!

So who’s going? And what can I expect? Anyone have any tips to share for me to “prepare”? I can’t wait to meet these bloggers I’ve seen online!

Of course, who wants to bunk to defray costs?? LOL!

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  1. I’m hoping I can go. I’m only a few hours south of Chicago and it will give me an excuse to go eat some yummy deep dish pizza!

  2. That would be so awesome to go..hmmm wonder if hubby can get the time off and look after the child? So Mummy can go???Thanks for letting us know.

  3. Hey there! Just ‘met’ you from Twitter, where I am brand new! I am so psyched to know they chose Chicago for BlogHer. I’ve not been to one yet, but will be there in ’09 for sure since I live here!

    Cute Blog! : ) Adorable babies! : )

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