Bloggy Carnival Contest 1-Apple Pie Candle

So, for many of you this is your first time checking out For The Love of Baby! Thank you for checking us out. Right now, we are participating in the Bloggy Giveaways for the first time ever! We have some special giveaways we are holding exclusively during the Bloggy Carnival as well as if you have the chance to look around, there are some other giveaways going on right now as well!

So are you ready for your first contest Carnival Goers?

I absolutely love candles. There are candles throughout our apartment and honestly, I think they are a perfect home decor item. I really would like to learn how to make candles myself. My favorite candle scents are the typical Fall and Winter Scents. The All Time Favorite-Apple Pie. That hint of cinnamon is just perfect.

Well if you checked out my VLOG Post, I have an incredible Avon Home Fragrance Collection Apple Pie Candle. This candle might be small but the approx. burn time is 30 hours!

So are you ready for a chance to win?

1.Leave me a comment letting me know your favorite thing about the upcoming Holidays is! Must be atleast one complete sentence!
2. For an additional entry, Follow Me on Twitter (MommyJenna)
3. Grab another entry for this contest by entering another one of OUR contests here at For The Love of Baby! going on right now. Think of it as a chance to win extra! Current Contests Leave me a comment letting me know what contest you entered!

Please make sure I have your e-mail address so I have the option to contact you if you win! Winner will be announced November 1st!

More giveaways at the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival!

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  1. My favourite thing about the holidays is spending time with family and also the time spent thinking about what the perfect gift for each person is. I love their faces when they open presents!
    ebickell (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. My favorite part about the holidays is reconnecting with family and friends.

  3. My favorite thing about the holidays is definitely the food. Yum.

    BTW, I’m expecting my second daughter in December and they’ll have the same age difference as your little girls. I loved that picture at the top of the page…

  4. My favorite thing about the holidays is shopping for the little ones.I love buying toys and clothes,it reminds me of my childhood.

  5. My favorite thing about the holidays is Christmas music and decorating! I love the holidays so, so much.

    sundaygirl at gmail dot com

  6. I love watching my son at the Holidays. It is amazing to me that two years ago he wasnt even here!!

  7. I entered the lucabella contest as well.

    My favorite thing about the holidays is the atmosphere. It’s often very pretty and you get to cuddle up in warm clothes and relax. Nice food, a lot of the time as well!!!

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  8. My favorite thing about the holidays is setting up the Christmas tree and decorating the house! It always puts me in such a good mood!

  9. I have lots of favorite things! Baking christmas cookies, eating pie!, watching Christmas movies, and I LOVE Christmas shopping!

  10. My favorite thing about the holidays is watching my sons (5 and 2) be amazed by the wonderment of it all- the joy, the peace, the Christmas trees, the lights, the excitement of Santa, etc. My children make it magical for me all over again!

  11. I love the fact that my family and I can spend it together without bickering or fighting. With so much going on, we ignore the fights we’ve had and just be thankful that we have each other. It makes me proud to have a family that can go on with their lives and still forgive.


  12. The holidays bring family together, dysfuctional or not. I love seeing my little one’s face light up at the lights and decorations.
    So far I have enterd this contest and Kadi’s contest at A womb at the Inn(sane).

  13. Thanksgiving is my fav holiday. That is the time when most of our family gets together. We see folks we havent seen in at least a year, and sometimes three or four years. We have fried chicken and biscuits for breakfast, and then we tell tall tales til lunchtime and we pig out then we take a long – slow – walk around the lake to keep from falling asleep.



  14. I absolutely love to bake so one thing about the coming holidays that I love is the excuse I have to bake, bake, bake! And now that my DD’s 3 I can’t wait to do some fun holiday crafts with her this year too.

  15. My most loved thing about the holidays is being with family and friends. The smell of fresh baked cookies,breads and anything else i can think of.


  16. It would be Christmas music. As soon as we finish Thanksgiving dinner, I turn on the Christmas music.

  17. I love the holidays. The hustle and bustle the smell of Starbucks at the mall….the snow…the family time…and the food.

  18. My favorite thing about the holidays is an excuse to bake… and bake… and bake. I like listening to Christmas music, as well.

    kmg365 (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. My favorite thing about the Christmas Holiday is decorating the tree and making christmas cookies with the family

  20. My favorite thing about the holidays is just being with family…but the good food runs a close second!LOL!
    Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

  21. My favorite thing to do is decorate our home and spend time with family 🙂

    Apple Pie sounds delicious right now!

  22. I’m a candle lover too and your little one’s are adorable by the way. Not sucking up, just saying.

    Anywho, my favorite thing about the holiday season is the whole feeling it brings about. People seem to be nicer to one another, except when shopping. And I love the change in weather, where you just want to cozy up on the couch with the one’s you love.

    Thanks for entering me and you can check out my giveaway here (baby/toddler blanket)…

  23. My family lives 10 hrs away, i will be spending some time with them, giggling and loving them up over the holidays

  24. What I love most about the Holidays is the excitement and joy on the faces of my children. Who could ask for more? deane_williams at

  25. Oh my, well my favorite part of the holidays was gathering at my grandma’s house with all the family. But since last Christmas was our last together, I would have to say that enjoying the time with family.


  26. My favorite thing about the holidays is cooking the big meal. It’s got it all–family togetherness, good food, some sort of hilarious mishap which will be fondly recounted for years to come.

  27. My favorite thing about the holidays? My daughter’s birthday is December 20, as well as the anniversary of her adoption. Her Happy Home Day is December 22 and Christmas is December 25. Much celebrating is done at our house that week!

  28. the feeling of family is my fav thing about all the upcoming holidays. all the cooking and such makes me feel like i am really nurturing them!

  29. My favorite thing is the snuggly warmth that envelopes it all.

  30. My favorite thing about the holidays is being with friends and family, decorating, EATING, watching the holiday movies and shows, the music, and so much more!!!!

    Thank you for a great giveaway!

    HunnyV “at” Optonline “dot” net

  31. My favorite is Christmas and I love all of it. The decorations, the music, the smells, the food. Mostly I love celebrating the birth of our Savior! Wonderful season!!
    sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com

  32. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with my family. I love the snow, Christmas Eve mass and the joy the holidays bring.

  33. My fav thing about the holidays used to be spending time with family, going out and oohing and ahhing over the lights… but we are far away from most family now. ALTHO’ this year we have a granddaughter to enjoy! Holidays and kids just go together. lol.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    cokelush at gmail

  34. My favorite thing about the upcoming holidays is that it’s finally getting cool enough for me to bring out my candles (I live in the desert and it’s just too hot in the summer to light candles!) I love the spicy, home-baked smells that come with candles! Great giveaway – thanks for offering!

  35. I love the holidays because I get to spend time with family and friends!

    XWildHopeX at hotmail dot com

  36. My favorite thing about the holidays is having my family visit from out of state. It’s so nice to see them.

  37. i love the food! I also love family time, whether it’s extended fam, or just us three!

    gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

  38. I love how excited my children get with each Holiday getting closer! Awesome Giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

  39. My favorite thing is the Holiday baking and holiday coffee drinks!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    give_me_a_latte at yahoo

  40. My favorite thing about the upcoming holidays is the fact that our family will all be together in one place for a few hours! I can’t wait!
    count me in!

  41. my favorite thing about the holidays is all the yummy food!!! Thanksgivings turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie….Christmas ham, and all those yummy cookies!!

    And I love to slow down, relax, and enjoy my husband and children

  42. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday! My family comes to visit and we have friends over for a wonderful turkey feast. We watch the Cowboys football game while we eat pumpkin pie. Then its time for a nap!
    Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  43. My favorite thing about the winter season is the cooking I get to do i love to cook and am always looking for new cookie recipes.

  44. I love the holidays. i like the smell in the air, the anticipation my kids still have. My oodles of lists I have to keep things sane so I dont’ over buy for one child.

    The food, the laughter, and the tears. I love the holidays!


  45. I love actually seeing all my family. We are small, but still make an effort to get together which gets harder as life gets more complicated!

  46. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to see family I haven’t seen all year.

  47. I’m going overseas to see my daughter, so my favorite thing is the opportunity to spend some time with her.

  48. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to spend time with all of my family! Also the giving, I love giving presents!

    thewondermomma @

  49. Getting together with family and shopping for everybody can be fun
    KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

  50. My favorite thing about the holiday season is Thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday. I enjoy seeing family, etc but I am more interested in the food! It the one day I can eat whatever I want and as much as I want.

  51. Spending time with family as they come in for the holidays, and laugh and talk whiles its cold outside.


  52. My favorite time about the upcoming Holidays are getting to spend so much more time with my children while they are out of school and I don’t have to work!
    lisalmg (at) ktis (dot) net

  53. I love decorating the house and to all out different family traditions.

    hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

  54. I love everything about the holidays. I love fall & winter weather, time with family & friends, Christmas shopping and gift giving, the food & fragrances, decorating, Christmas music!!! That was once complete sentence but I think it was run-on 🙂 Thanks; an apple pie candle sounds scrumptious.

  55. I love looking at the Christmas lights as we drive around in the evening. I also like Christmas shopping and the whole holiday feeling looking at Christmas stuff everywhere.

  56. i love the whole process……from thanksgiving all the way thru new years, i love it all! but my favorite part, if i have to choose one, would be decorating the tree!
    please toss my name in the hat for this awesome giveaway! good luck everyone and be sure to check in at the lost world for my giveaway too!

  57. I’m very excited to take my son trick or treating for his first time this year.

    My favorite thing about Christmas is definitely buying and decorating the Christmas tree.

  58. My favorite Holiday thing is driving around town looking at the Christmas lights. Thanks so much for the AWE-some Give-oh-Way!

  59. I love spending time with family, baking special holiday treats, decorating the house. I think I like Thanksgiving even better than Christmas because of the theme of thankfulness, and because it’s less hustle-and-bustle than Christmas. I enjoy cooking, so that part is a bit harried, but fun for me.
    aleach6179 AT gmail DOT com

  60. love trick or treat,thanksgiving&christmas dinner,cookies,christmas eve the christmas story marathon,christmas day!

  61. I love going home for the holidays after spending time shopping for the perfect gifts and wrapping them beautifully! I love Christmas music and also Peppermint Mochas… I’m having trouble narrowing it down to one favorite! What an awesome prize, thanks for the chance to win!

  62. My favorite thing is baking, cooking and enjoying the meal with my family. I also really enjoy finding the perfect little gift of love for each member of our family!
    Happy Holidays!!

  63. My favorite thing about the holidays is the music, going to the mall when there are thousands of other people there. I know that is what others hate but I just love the excitment of the holidays. I love spending time with my family having 50 of us crammed in one room singing the 12 days of christmas all laughing and being silly. It only happens once a year and I love it.

  64. My favorite time about the holidays is spending with friends and family.

    lilacbutterfly [at]

  65. My favorite thing about the holidays is cooking a BIG dinner for the family. I go all out and cook fancy food and many many courses. I love how everyone enjoys my hard work, and it really brings everyone together.

    Thanks for hosting a great giveaway. I love candles.

  66. I’ll be honest. My favorite thing about the holidays is all the yummy food that we get to eat!

  67. Spending time with our family and doing things like going to the Christmas parades.The food is also wonderful too. Thanks for the giveaway!


  68. My favorite thing about the holidays is that fuzzy feeling… And the fact that you can eat as much as you want and no one can say anything about it cause they’re doing the same!

  69. My favorite thing about the holidays…Family…Lots of relatives come in from out of town and it is great to spend time with them. semtaylor(at)

  70. This is easy. My favorite thing about the holidays will be spending time with our family. We are so far away it will be so nice to be together.
    poncey76 at hotmail dot com

  71. I love all the lights and decorations. Thanks for a great giveaway!

    jjdragonfly [at] gmail {dot} com

  72. I love watching the kids open all their Christmas presents! I think I am sometimes more excited than they are to see their faces!

  73. My favorite thing is having the house decorated. I love living amidst the festive decor.

  74. My favorite thing is seeing so many houses decorated with beautiful lights and of course the presents I give and receive 😀

    lc_intocable [at]yahoo [dot] com

  75. My favorite thing is watching my girls enjoy the holidays. Only reason I celebrate at this point 🙂

  76. My favorite thin is the excitement and wonder in my kids eyes at even the littlest things.


  77. I don’t have just one favorite thing! I love the excitement in my children, the wonderful music (I’m listening right now), and the time with family.
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  78. I love the holidays and all the get togethers with familes! Getting together with my siblings brings back lots of memories of when we were younger and of good times! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway for us!

  79. Time with family and all the yummy food. Thanks for a chance to win.


  80. Christmas is the only time I could come home with my honey to visit his parents. It became some kind of tradition between us. It just sucks that the tickets cost more every year for us to go. Thanks.

    juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com

  81. I am so excited this holiday to go to my dad’s house out in the country, snuggle under a blanket by the fire, and watch movies with my puppies. For me, the holidays is about where you are and who you’re with. 🙂

    How fantastic! Thank you for this giveaway; I hope I win 🙂
    eyeslikesugar (at) gmail (dot) com

  82. I love all the glittery decorations! And I also love fall and winter candle smells the best 🙂

  83. My favorite part of the holidays is getting together with family. Thanks for the giveaway!

  84. Mine is actually having my husband here this Christmas and not deployed. Also it is our little one’s first Christmas.
    livlifelov at yahoo dot com

  85. What’s not to love about the holidays? I love the traditions, the decorations and especially the FOOD!


  86. I love christmas decorations! I can’t wait to decorate, and usually do the day after thanksgiving! =) I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

  87. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting together with family that I haven’t seen in awhile.

  88. My favorite part of Halloween is the after holiday candy clearence. I then use most of the chocolate in baking.

  89. I love the excuse to do lots of baking. The smell of hot cookies, cakes and pies are heaven to me!

    That’s why I’d love to win the candle! Thanks!

  90. My family is scattered all over the U.S. and I love that at Christmas time we’re usually all able to be ‘home’ at the same time. I’m also looking forward to experiencing the holidays with our little one this year. Last year she was too little to comprehend everything.


  91. The family get togethers and good food. I will have my new baby for the holidays also so that’s special for our family.

  92. My favorite part of the Holiday season is all the time I get to spend with my extended family. After two years living in another state, I’m REALLY excited to be back “home” this year.

  93. I like the time spent with family and friends and also the wonderful food, smells and fun of the holiday season-from work parties to everything in between!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  94. My favorite thing about the holidays is the spirit it induces in people: the kindness, joy, happiness, sharing, loving side!

  95. I love candles!!! My favorite thing about the holidays is simple, just spending time with family and friends.

    Thanks on hosting your first giveaway.


  96. I love going down to my grandparents house in the country. We eat way too much then have family poker tournaments. And yes, we use real money although the most we play for is quarters lol 🙂

  97. One of my favorites is the smell of a wood stove burning. Just makes you want to cuddle up in a blanket and watch the fire.

  98. My favorite part is being with family 🙂

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  99. One thing I love about this time of year is that everything is made with pumpkin 😀 I also just love spending Christmas and Thanksgiving with my family (Which is mostly my husband’s family, but still)

    raspberrykitty at aol dot com

  100. I’m looking forward to shopping for my kids. I know this sounds weird, but I’m also looking forward to wrapping presents. Wrapping presents soothes me and I not only wrap my family’s presents but I also wrap presents for my sister’s family and some people at work. It actually relaxes me.

  101. Even though my kids are teens they still get excited on Christmas morning. I love seeing that excitement.

  102. My favorite thing about the hoildays is all the smells. The hoilday season just smells good!


  103. My favorite thing about the holidays is when they are over! I love them, but I’m usually burnt out by the time it is over.


  104. My fave thing about the holidays (not Halloween, but the real ones) is decorating, both my own house and looking at other people’s decorations. thanks for a great giveaway.

  105. My favorite thing is seeing all the family that I don’t normally get to see. Thanks for the giveaway!
    P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! 🙂

  106. Spending time with my family. We always end up spending at least 3 days together and sit up watching movies, tv, eating & playing video games. I love it & cherish every second of it.

  107. My favorite thing about the holidays is having my college son home for two weeks!! He is so far away at college and I do miss him! Thanks for the giveaway!

  108. I can’t believe the holidays are upcoming, crazy. I just love seeing my family and of course the great food.

  109. I look forward to spending time with my in-laws. They live in Taos, NM, we’re in VA and don’t get to see them nearly enough.
    Thanks for the contest and have a safe and Happy Halloween.

  110. Yay for yummy candles!!
    I love a lot of things about the holidays, but my favorite part is that my husband gets to take time off and just spend time with us!

  111. I love stuffing myself silly and then crafting Christmas decorations with all the girls in the family.

  112. I love being able to spend time with our family from other parts of the country! We all get together and have a great time!


  113. This year we are NOT going back home for Cmas which will be a good thing – a much less hectic Cmas than most.

    Halloween is always fun.

    By the by, candles are easy to make.

    Thanks for having the giveaway!

  114. I too love the smells of the holidays & Fall & WInter.. cinnamon, pumpkin, pine & the crispness in the air.

  115. I like spending time with my family and seeing the joy on their faces as they open up their presents 😀


  116. My favorite thing about the Holiday season is the cooler temperatures that relieve the horribly hot weather we have most of the year down here in the South. Well, that and getting to see family I haven’t seen throughout the year. 🙂

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  117. My favorite thing about the holidays is all about taste! I love the flavors of Pumpkin, Gingerbread, and Egg Nog — mmmm…good thing they only come around this time of year!

  118. My favorite is spending time with my grandchildren.

    Thank you!

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  119. Now that I am a mom I am going to enjoy getting to see the holidays through the eyes of my child!

    Great giveaway!!


  120. I love to see the excitement on my kids faces! Their sweet little eyes light up when they see a gift under the tree with their name on it.

    daniwilliams30 AT gmail DOT com

  121. My favorite thing are my mom’s Christmas cookies. I think that this is going to be the first year that my daughter understands santa so I have a feeling that will be my new favorite!

    elkmeese at yahoo dot com

  122. My favorite thing about the holidays is seeing my dad who flies in for 3 weeks every year… AND my husband will be home from Afghanistan before the new year! WOOOHOOOO

  123. I like when we all get together and decorate the house. A great wreath on the front door, garland all around and of course decorating the Christmas tree.

  124. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time in my kitchen cooking with my mom and daughter. I love the time that we spend together.

  125. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to see all of my extended family at our annual pig picking!!!

    sherri419 at gmail dot com

  126. My fave thing about the holidays is well, #1 the food…LOL (i’ll admit it..not many women would! haha!) and #2 fun family atmosphere and fellowship! 🙂

    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

  127. My favorite part of the holiday seasons is getting together with the entire family which doesn’t seem to happen much throughout the year. Thanks for the giveaway.

  128. what’s not to love about this joyous season! i love family, friends, festivities, food (all f’s so far but not on purpose), and decor! its such a cozy and happy time! 🙂

  129. My favorite thing is the decorations and the coziness. Spending time with family, listening to christmas music and watching christmas movies..oh was I supposed to pick just one thing?!?!


  130. DH and I have a storage closet full of decorations. I love to pull them out and decorate the tree and house over a long weekend!

  131. My favorite thing about the holidays are the traditions that we still honor. I hope everyone’s holiday dreams come true. I am queenesperfect at

  132. My favorite thing about the holidays is definitely the food. Call me crazy, but I also enjoy the mad rush shopping!

  133. One of my favorite things about xmas is watching the kids open their gifts. Whe my son was small and opening his presents ,he looked up at the door and said,: Thank you Santa ” Count me into this wonderful contest!

  134. My favorite thing abou the holidays is getting the tree up and letting my kids hang all of the ornaments. There is normally one spot on the tree with seventeen balls within an inch of each other but the kids are so proud of themselves! I love it!


  135. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Everybody helps cook, and we sit around the table and eat and laugh and talk for hours.

  136. I like the way people are always happier during the holiday. thanks 🙂
    theresa N

  137. My favorite thing about the holidays are the lights.It reminds me of my childhood in WV when we would all gather together to drive the neighborhoods to see who had the best light displays.Then there is such peace and a sense of hope sitting back with my kids in a dark room as we watch the Christmas tree all lite up and telling stories.

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