Bissell Little Green Floor Cleaner

Keeping a clean house is a must when you have children. And of course, with children come spills and stains.

Thanks to Wal-Mart, I had the chance to check out the Bissell Little Green Floor Cleaner
in honor of upcoming Earth Day. This machine might be small but it has incredible power! This Earth-Friendly Carpet Cleaner works on stains and spots and is effective for jobs big or small.
Bissell Little Green Floor Cleaner 1
We used the Bissell Little Green Deep Cleaner at my grandmother’s house and she was impressed! The amount of dirt we were pulling up from her carpet was incredible (in a disgusting sort of way) and we loved knowing how much this tiny machine could pick up.

How is the Little Green Earth-Friendly?
-The Bissell Little Green is made with PVC-Free pieces and recycled materials, as well as it’s packaging.

This compact design comes in handy as well. When you store the Little Green, it is already set up to and ready to clean! I am a smaller build person and I had no problem picking this cleaner up and moving around freely.

How Would You Like to Win a Bissell Little Green Floor Cleaner??

Leave me a comment letting me know what your household is doing to “Go Green”.

For Additional Entries-
1. Blog about this giveaway, linking back to this post.
2. Twitter this giveaway and leave a link to your tweet!
3. Follow us on Blogger (see sidebar)
4. Unlimited Entries-Comment on a non-contest post here at For The Love of Baby!
5.Add For The Love of Baby! to your blogroll.

This Contest Will End April 24, 2009 at 11:59PM CST. Winner will have 48 hours from time announced and contacted to claim prize. I must have a valid e-mail to contact you. Contest open to U.S. mailing addresses.

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  1. We have stopped using plastic bags and are using all paper recyclable ones.

  2. We used our own terry cloth bags when we go grocery shopping! And almost all of our house hold cleaning products are green!

  3. Green…hmmm

    We buy recycled (as in yard sales/thrift stores/Craigs list)

    We cloth diaper

    We use cloth napkins and dish cloths

    We recylce batteries, cardboard, bottles and glass….

    We use reusable bags

    We pass down clothes through our 5 kids….

  4. Our house has changed out all of our lightbulbs with energy efficient ones, we’ve stopped using plastic bags and only use cloth, we bike or walk where ever we can, we grow our own veggies, in season, without pesticides, we don’t eat meat so as not to contribute to factory farming, and we recycle everything in our house that can be.

  5. I replaced my regular light bulbs with energy saving bulbs and have low flow shower heads.

  6. We use cloth bags for our groceries freeing ourselves from the plastic bags. We also recycle newspapers, magazines,aluminum cans, and glass.

  7. We reuse or giveaway things we don’t need anymore instead of just throwing them away. Then other people can get some good use out of them as well!

  8. going green growing our own vegetables energy saving bulbs and appliances, fuel saving car, cloth bags and recycle Thanks for having this contest

  9. We are all about re-using: plastic bags, backs of envelopes for scrap paper, rubber bands from produce, etc.

  10. We are recycling, gardening, composting, including a composting toliet, making crafts so we can breathe life back into used products, a high efficiency washer and a clothes line. We are totally loving going Green, it is a personal accomplishment to see what you have conserved each day. Thanks r

  11. We recycle everything, reduce our waste and reuse as much as we can!

    addeviant006 at gmail dot com

  12. To go more “green” I collect organic reusable bags instead of plastic ones. It makes me feel a little better about saving the Earth!

  13. we try to reuse the plastic bags we get many times and wash and reuse zip locks until you just can not anymore. I also try to use some green cleaning products like making vinegar and water to clean with it works well

  14. I use hand cloths to wipe baby’s hands and face after eating instead of paper towels.

  15. New “ugly” lightbulbs -energy savers. We take our own reusable bag to the grocery store.

  16. I use recycle bags at the grocery store instead of the plastic bags. This Bissell cleaner would be good at getting cat spots out of my carpet.

  17. We use CFLs, our own bags for shopping & errands and ban paper products.

  18. We stopped buying plastic water bottles, we now cary BPA free bottles everywhere. Its really cutting down on our waste

  19. We recycle everything we can, making sure that we take batteries and electronics to the proper recycling place and not just chucking them in the trash (which is illegal anyway guys, that stuff is baaaadddd for landfills!)

  20. No paper in the kitchen — we use cleaning cloths and paper napkins. And, no plastic-bottled drinks in the fridge 🙂

    greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

  21. I recycle everything I can. I only have one trash bag full about every third week. Most of that is dirt from the cats’ litterboxes. Anybody know how to recycle that?

  22. We are recycling paper, plastic and aluminum. It’s not hard once you get into the habit.

  23. We’ve switched to energy saving bulbs and we’ve gone back to tap water saving thousands of plastic bottles from the landfill.

  24. Next month marks two years that my husband and I decided to stop eating beef! The methane, production, etc. all surrounding beef is not the only thing for everyone to consider – there are so many health benefits too! Start with one meatless (or beefless) meal a week and then work your way up gradually. Use Boca, Morningstar, or other meat substitutes. The crumbles for both work great in sauces and you won’t notice the difference. Boca can replicate the taste of a cheeseburger and it is uncanny. My favorite is Morningstar’s spicy black bean burger. Some restaurants like Kelly’s, Ruby Tuesday, etc. make turkey burgers whose taste and flavor rivals beef. There are tons of alternatives out there!

  25. The biggest thing we did was removing all the grass in our yard. We have no need to mow,fertilize or water! We landscaped with rocks, boulders and cinders to fill in the area where grass was. I have a great vegetable garden for growing almost all of our produce too.

  26. I would LOVE to win! I’ve started using green cleaners in our house – trying to use just vinegar, baking soda, etc. Also trying to buy more organic. 🙂 Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would be so thrilled to win this!

    ladyufshalott at

  27. Hi!

    We use energy efficient light-bulbs, cloth grocery sacks, we are going to cloth diaper our next child (plus I’m reusing clothes to make some diapers), use cloth trainers on my 2 yr. old instead of pull-ups, freecycle goods, pay bills online to reduce paper waste, and unplug appliances when not in use.

    Gwenn (

  28. We’re adopted many of the general green habits, like walking more, using greener light bulbs, using greener cleaning products – and we’re working on setting up a compost station and we’re looking into rainbarrels. asthenight at gmail dot com

  29. OMG I would love this… seriously saw it on t.v the other day and wanted to go out and buy it lol!

    We cloth diaper our youngest, and I also make my own wipey solution and use cloth wipes! We recycle all out aluminum, cardboard and glass… we also use energy efficient lightbulbs, & lower our thermostat in the winter!


  30. We have been doing alot to go green – reuseable bags, recycling, eco-friendly cleaners, changing light bulbs and more I can’t think of right now, lol.


  31. In our household we cloth diaper, and I also make my own wipey solutely and use cloth wipes as well! All our light fixtures have the energy effiecient lightbulbs… we recylce all of our aluminum, cardboard & glass! And also in the winter we keep out thermostat low and bundle up with blankies!


  32. I blogged at Mom Giveaways –
    Your submission Little Green Machine Spot Cleaner has been received and will be listed shortly.

    Thank you for submitting your giveaway/contest to Mom Giveaways.


  33. We no longer use plastic bags at the store. We bring our own reusable bags.

    hebert024 at aol dot com

  34. We are eco friendly nuts, LOL! We love our reusable shopping bags and never take a plastic or paper bag from a store these days thanks to them!

    We also compost and rain water harvest for the garden!

  35. We recycle everything we can, we’re switching over to eco-friendly cleaning products, energy efficient light bulbs, rechargeable batteries, reuseable shopping bags. Every little bit helps!

  36. We recycle everything we can, use green items and buy as much organic as we can. And I drive a hybrid. =)

  37. We’ve changed out our lightbulbs, we recycle everything we can, and we use our own bags when shopping. Thank you!

  38. We are doing quite a bit to go green, but one of the big things this year is growing an organic vegetable garden.

  39. At my house we have slowly bought the new money saving light bulbs. I also bought kitchen towels to use instead of paper towels which also saves money.

  40. We have started recycling and when we move next month we will be planting a vegetable garden and fruit trees.

  41. We recently installed a clothesline to dry our clothes outdoors!
    smchester at gmail dot com

  42. We’re using cloth napkins instead of paper and we’re doing a combo of cloth and disposable diapers.
    YiddishBitterRose at gmail dot com

  43. We are saving everything from our 1st baby to use with our 2nd (if we end up having another).

    We've changed all our light bulbs in the house to energy-efficient ones.

    We don't water the grass/plants as much. If we do water, we water in the early evening.

    Recycle plastic, paper & aluminum.

    This little machine though would be awesome to have!! Not only would it save us time, but help us be more GREEN too! 😀

  44. Eeek! My email addy is pumpkinette@earthink dot net. Please don’t disqualify my entry.

  45. We recycle, use CFL bulbs and try to watch our gas useage and keep our energy useage down.

  46. We have gone green by replacing bulbs with CFL’s, using all natural cleaners, stopped buying paper towels and replaced them with micro fiber, recycling everything that can be, re using rain water in buckets to water plants.

  47. We recycle, I walk to the grocery store and drug store whenever possible and we use cloth bags instead of plastic.

    elizberry at aol dot com

  48. We have started recycling aluminum, plastics and paper. We als made shopping bags for groceries to save on the plastics.

  49. We do several “green” things, but the one my hubby is most fond of is wearing his shirts until they disintegrate…nothing to throw away, then. LOL ceegeebeegee at yahoo dot com

  50. Ooh, I’d love a little green cleaner! We have been recycling our papers and boxes, along with some plastics. We have been trying to reduce and reuse as much as possible, and we donate items that can be donated instead of throwing away things we no longer wear or use.

  51. We’re recycling, composting, using less electricity and water and trying to use more eco-friendly cleaning products. I’d love to win one of these! Thank you!

  52. We use cfl bulbs, cloth bags for shopping, recycle as much as we can, catch rainwater for plants, make one trip in the car as much as possible.

  53. In an effort to go Green we do a lot of recyling. Old newspaper, magazines, clothes, toys, used printer cartriages , bottles , aluminum cans. Anything that is recycling we try to find a way to recyle it.

  54. Our family is using only cold water to do laundry and recycling cans and magazines!

    easagredo at yahoo dot com

  55. We have started reusing things we usually threw away and if we cannot reuse it – we try our best to recycle. We also switched to the new bulbs and unplug things we are not using.


  56. In my household we are using the cloth Walmart bags to do our shopping, we also have the energy saving light bulbs in the dinning area and the bathrooms.

    caleenna @ Gmail dot com

  57. We’re diligent about recycling (everything but paper, which we’re now working on getting accustomed to), and we purchase as many environment-friendly products as we can for cleaning. We are also cognizant of packaging, and will chose the enviro-friendly one over the not-so-much-so one, every time.

  58. We use environmentally friendly Melaleuca cleaning products, and I purchased reusable bags for the grocery store in lieu of plastic bags.

  59. To go green, we have eliminated paper towels and napkins, and disposable wraps/covers/lunchbox containers. We use CFLs and have everything on power strips, which we shut off when not in use. We recycle, Freecycle, and compost.
    Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

  60. We no longer buy anything disposable except for things that can be recycled, and feminine products and toilet paper. No paper towels, plates, plasticware, etc. We reuse many things, and combine car trips. We replaced every light bulb with a “green” efficient one.

  61. We are using “green” bulbs for most of our lights ~ also we are moving in a month to a new home that has all energy efficient appliances and windows!

  62. We use reuasable shopping bags when ever we go shopping, changed our light bulbs to more effecient ones, turning off the lights when leaving a room,not let the water run while brushing our teeth, recycle any and everything we can and using eco friendly cleaning supplies.

  63. I left a comment at Wordless Wednesday-Maddie, Such A Beautiful Angel

  64. I left a comment at Zooniwear! Mop Top Hats-Fun and Functional

  65. I have been recycling for a couple years, I have convinced my mother-in-law, and my brother to recycle. And sometimes, we take our recycling in together, which helps the environment also. Also, when my mother-in-law is going to town, she will ask me if I need anything, if I do she picks it up for me, and vice versa, thus saving on trips to town.

  66. All our furniture is used! Thus saving it from a landfill, and well… its all we can afford.

  67. If an item is not being actively used (ie phone charger, coffee maker, toaster, etc) I unplug them. Items that are plugged in to an outlet use electricity. So we’re helping the planet and reducing our electric bill.
    more4momsbuck (at) gmail (dot) com

  68. I have cut down to 2 loads of laundry using hot water/month & do not use the heated dry option on our dishwasher. Thanks!

  69. I have cut down to 2 loads of laundry using hot water/month & have stopped using the heated dry option on our dishwasher, to name a few.~Thanks!

  70. I use cloth rags (my husband’s old undershirts), cloth dishtowels (cutting down on paper towels)

  71. We’re switching to cloth napkins and trying to reduce our use of paper towels and other consumables.

    mombalance at gmail dot com

  72. We have changed all of our lightbulbs to energy efficient ones and always bring our reuseable bags to the store.

  73. We carry our own tote bags for grocery shopping, always buy recycled paper products and focus on buying locally.
    kaytewatts AT aol DOT com

  74. commented

  75. I have changed my light bulbs, recycle everything possible, use reusable tote bags for the grocery store and I stopped drinking bottled water.


  76. I have changed my light bulbs, recycle everything possible, use reusable tote bags for the grocery store and I stopped drinking bottled water.


  77. We’re recycling everything possible, buying more natural cleaning products, and passing along used clothing, books and other items to charities. Every little bit helps! Thanks for the great contest, I love how environmentally friendly this product is.

  78. I recycle and I turn the water off when I brush my teeth!

    newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  79. My household does a lot actually to help with the earth and being green! We cloth diaper our youngest, and use cloth wipes… and I make my own wipey solution! We also recycle everything that can be recycled… GREEN IS GOOD!


  80. We have started converting all of our appliances over to energy star…. We try to hang our clothes out to dry when we can. We are purchasing some reusable grocery bags to use.

  81. I’ve been recycling so much stuff, I swear my garbage man thinks I don’t care about his job!
    I am also switching to CFL bulbs and plan to start a compost pile.

  82. I am recycling so much the garbageman feels unloved. I also plan to start a compost pile this spring.

  83. I carry my own canvas bags to the supermarket now, and we’ve swapped out most of our “bad” light bulbs for good ones.

  84. We recycle plastic, cans, glass and cardboard! We also eat all leftovers…we don’t waste a bit! Thanks!

  85. We are teaching ourselves and our children. We are setting up a more organized approach to recycling in our kitchen and garage layout so that we can recycle and reuse everything. I have decided to only use earth friendly products from now on. There’s got to be a scary amount of diapers, waterbottles, and plastic bags littering our precious planet, our home. Blessings, Stefanie Hartman

  86. We recycle and use environmentally friendly cleaning products. We drive a hybrid car and we do everything we can to conserve energy.

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  87. we are using our own reusable bags instead of plastic at the stores, no longer drinking bottled water, got a filter instead. We recycle as much as we can and walk to any place that we can

  88. We conserve water and use bucketed rain water for watering potted plants. We’re also in the process of changing out all of our light bulbs little by little.

  89. Our city does not have a recycling program but we save our newspapers, cardboard, plastic water bottles and aluminum cans and take them to a recycling center ourselves. We use re-useable bags and re-useable bottles whenever possible.
    sweet dot verona at yahoo dot com

  90. I commented at Amazing Ceramic Hair Straightners from Misikko post.

  91. Today I hung out my laundry for the first time. I also walk to get my kids from school instead of drive. I keep the heat turned way down and wear warmer clothes.

  92. I use organic products for my beloved cats – good for both them and the earth.

  93. I like to buy and sell items on ebay and amazon, and I reuse as much packaging material as possible. I’m always happy when I get a nice box that isn’t all beat up.

  94. We’re recycling, using “gree” light bulbs, lowering the thermostat, combining errands to use less gas, and buying more recycled products.

  95. We have switched to energy efficent bulbs,planted a vegetable garden,stopped using paper towels(use rags instead),and try not to run the a/c.Thanks!

  96. Lots of little things like recycling, reusable grocery bags, changed the light bulbs, use cloth instead of paper towels etc. But I guess they add up.

  97. Since it’s started being warmer outside again, in order for my household to be a bit more green we’ve started hanging some of our laundry outside. Especially large blankets and sheets, instead of drying them in the dryer. Aside from helping the environment it also helps your wallet a bit!

  98. We use sunlight instead of lights during the day… recycle… use totes for all shopping

  99. Hmmm going green. I try not to run my furnace or Air at any time. Also I have been using cloth instead of paper towels.

  100. What we have done to go green would be changing the light bulbs to the energy efficient halogen light bulbs in every room in the house. We also have a thermostat that we have set to go cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer during the times while we are gone. We also replaced all our appliances to energy star rated.

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