Becoming Big Sisters

Becoming Big Sisters 1

While Kelsie obviously has already taken on the role of big sister, Aubrey is becoming a big sister too. Either way, having two new siblings is a BIG deal!

Becoming Big Sisters 2
Deep In Thought LOL

It is funny to see how Kelsie and Aubrey’s personalities show when it comes to the idea of baby brothers. Kelsie loves checking out baby things and asks questions about the babies but when babies are moving? “Eh, yeah, he kicked me.” I think her personality will be more excited when she gets to see them. She loves hearing them on the doppler and asking me if the babies are still in my tummy. I sure hope they are with this bump still here kiddo.

Aubrey? She is full of spunk. She loves trying to get the babies moving, no matter what time it is (yes hunny, can we please not lift my shirt in public?) She talks about the babies moving, her eyes light up and she erupts in giggles when she feels one of them moving. She loves looking at baby stuff and telling people, “For the babies.”.

While the girls have two different personalities, I am doing anything I can to keep them involved. We ask them what onesies we should pick out, what they think the boys would like, etc. So long as everything stays up to par, I plan to continue taking them to doctors appts. They’re part of this too, am I right?

How did you keep children involved in preparing for a new baby (or babies in some cases!)

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