Back to Head Ready to Explode Pain

Back to Head Ready to Explode Pain 1

I am worn out. The past two times in ER, my blood pressure is back to elevated which might explain why this pain just will not go away. The pain is at my temples and throbbing. My eyes are watering. I’m dizzy and of course now, the pain is trying to creep into my hands. This just won’t work for me Fibromyalgia. You can’t take my blogging away from me too.

I am supposed to see my doctor on Tuesday. I am praying I can get into him Monday morning. If I can’t, it’s back to the ER. It is past 2am and I still can not sleep. I have taken a hot shower, I have laid the heating pad on my neck and shoulders, cold pack on forehead…no relief. My pain is at about a 6 to 7. I used to have a high pain tolerance. Now I can barely handle a thing. The pain on my right side is starting to shoot the numb pain down the side of my face. All of the pressure at this point is now behind my eye and just radiating out.

Will I ever feel back to normal? Did the Cymbalta cause my blood pressure to be out of control for the rest of my life?

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  1. Good grief! I hope your doctor finds something that works for you soon.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Itchy Eyes =-.

  2. Sorry Jenna! Just know that I understand what you are going thru! I almost went to the ER last night because my headache was so horrible. I don’t sleep, barley eat…it takes everything just to function on a low level. We will get through this! Did you read my post on Binaural Beats? They help a bit.
    .-= Not So Average Mama´s last blog ..Turn Your Blog into a Business! =-.

  3. I’m so sorry for you.
    Did they check and make sure you don’t have any cavernous hemangioma’s on the spine that may swell up and make it hard for the brain/spinal fluid to circulate correctly, whereby maybe causing a build up of spinal fluid around the brain leading to pain/other symptoms.
    Do you ever have fluid leaking out your nose that is yellow to clear and can’t explain why?
    I just think there is more going on then Fibromyalgia.
    Maybe not, but really the numbness in the face????

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