The choice of a toy for an infant is a difficult one. So many toys, by so many manufacturers, reach the market every year. How can a buyer be certain a toy will hold up to the demands of a baby? How can they know which toys will still be fun six months, or six years, into the child’s life? How will they know if a toy will be safe? It’s all in the source of the toy. You have to be able to trust the manufacturer.
Foremost, of course, is safety. Will the toy be safe for the baby to play with, without a parent or guardian constantly watching them? Is the toy made from hazardous small parts or materials? Could a baby swallow a part of it, such as a cheap stuffed animal’s eye, and choke on it? Again, know your manufacturers.
People buying gifts for a new baby will want to choose a truly useful toy for the child. Quality manufacturers produce exceptional products that will last. The more reliable toy sources, such as, only offer well-made items. Many quality toys will retain or even grow in value. Cheap toys will degrade quickly and may actually pose hazards. A quality toy, from an affordable source, will hold real value. That toy will continue to be fun and safe as the baby grows into a toddler.
IS THE TOY AGE APPROPRIATE? lists a number of major toy manufacturers with quality-made stuffed animal plush lines designed for babies. A stuffed animal will always be a welcome toy to most younger children. More collectible characters will not only be recognizable by older children, they will retain collector appeal and value. Collector toys from many years ago often go for high numbers at colletible toy auctions. If nothing more, those prized toys will increase in value in the hearts of their owners.
Collecting quality toys is a way to save the memories of a family. In fact, many people preserve the toys they purchase for their newborns. Only quality-made toys stand the twin tests of childhood and time. They may then be handed down in the family as a kind of toy chest of memories, recounting the child’s growing stages and the times of her life. The baby grown into an adult may even hand along those toys to her own children. Quality toys become gifts again for a whole new generation of children.