We are sick. Again. After Kelsie’s ER yesterday and the night, Mommy’s caught whatever it is as well. I will try to be around as much as I can but between my head throbbing and trying to keep Kelsie’s fever from climbing again, it’s a cuddle day for all of us. I’m arguing a trip to the doctor for myself but we’ll see.
I hope you all find some great Cyber Monday deals today. See you soon!
Hope You are all feeling better soon!
I definitely stinks when everyone gets sick in the household. You try to take care of yourself, but the kids need taking care of also. I think having a cuddly day is a good idea. I do believe with all my heart that cuddling with our kids makes them feel much, much better. Please get well soon!
Don’t you just hate the revolving door illnesses this time of the year. I do. My ears are hurting again, and I’m sure I got another virus after going to church yesterday. I just hate it when people are holding a nasty kleenex in one hand and wanting to shake your hand with their other hand.
I told my husband I was so mad at myself for forgetting the Purell hand sanitizer.