A Guide to Attachment Parenting

Although most people think that attachment parenting is the hottest new parenting style, it is actually one of the oldest styles of raising little children. The basic concept behind attachment parenting is to keep your child close to you so that you are able to nurture them and keep them as safe as possible. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether or not this parenting style will suit your lifestyle. As a mom, you will do anything in your power to keep your children safe and healthy; Mommy Authority is the ultimate source for information related to health and safety for your children.

The Seven B’s Of Attachment Parenting

1.    Birth Bonding

With attachment, parenting one of the fundamental principles is to take an active role in the birth of your child. Most parents who decide on following an attachment parenting style will opt for things like skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth, delayed cord clamping as well as limiting medical intervention.

2.    Baby Cries

The attachment parent views their baby’s cries as a source of information. A mother who uses the attachment parenting style to raise their babies will begin to read their baby’s cries to see what they need and what they can do to help their baby feel better. Eventually, attachment parents will be so finely in tune with their infants that they can respond to their baby’s needs before it escalates.

3.    Breastfeeding

When you breastfeed your infant you are creating a bond with them that will last a lifetime. Babies who are breastfed may be easier to comfort and receive a wide variety of antibodies from your milk, which are not present in formula. Additionally, breastfeeding has just as many benefits for mom, one of the most significant are that breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, the happy hormone.

4.    Babywearing

Babywearing refers to the practice of carrying your baby in a sling or a soft structured carrier. Babies who are worn close to their parents will cry less and are protected from the environment around them. Additionally, baby wearing is really convenient because it removes the need to carry around a bulky stroller. An added bonus is that carrying your baby around in a carrier counts as tummy time.

5.    Bed sharing

Another fundamental concept of attachment parenting is to keep your child close to you when you are sleeping. Although co-sleeping is quite a controversial topic, when practiced safely, it can be a wonderful way to bond with your child

6.    Boundaries

Often people who practice attachment parenting can seem like slaves to their children. That is why boundaries are so important for attachment parents. Take care of yourself and remember to spend quality time with your partner away from your children.

7.    Be Careful of Baby Trainers

This refers specifically to the practice of sleep training. Instead of listening to other people’s opinions of how to raise children, follow your own instincts.

Benefits of Attachment Parenting

  • It creates a homely environment and accentuates mutual giving.
  • It helps mothers to shape positive personalities in their children.
  • Attachment parenting helps parents to understand the non-verbal communication of their children.
  • It reassures your child that you will always be there for them and that they have no need to be fearful. This will reduce the amount of cortisol produced in your child’s body.
  • Less stress for the parents as well as their children.
  • It encourages brain development, which could lead to children who are more intelligent.

The Cons Of Attachment Parenting

  • It limits the amount of freedom to explore that a child receives. This is because attachment parents choose to keep their children as close to them as possible.
  • It could lead to disciplinary problems because you will often choose attachment over discipline.
  • Children of attachment parents can often be overly dependent on their parents.
  • Attachment parenting could lead to limited skill development in children who rely on the decisions made upon by their parents.
  • These children can sometimes struggle to form relationships with people other than their parents.


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