3 Books Which Will Help Busy Moms Cook Quick Healthy Food

You might think that cooking healthy food for your family would take hours every single night, but this really isn’t the case. Though most people don’t realize it, with a bit of planning and the right information, creating something good to eat shouldn’t take any longer that warming up a frozen pizza. For this reason, you should definitely pay attention to the books I’m about to list in this article, as they have all been specifically designed to help people in your situation. As with anything else in life, practice makes perfect, so don’t worry too much if you keep burning your vegetables during the first few occasions you cook a healthy recipe; you’ll get there in the end.

Even the great Jamie Oliver must have started somewhere, right? And I’ll bet he didn’t have a clue about which foods are good and which are bad during those early days. So, don’t get stressed, don’t get overwhelmed, just do your best and soon you’ll become the superstar chef you always knew you could be. The cookery ebooks listed below are available from most online retailers, and are guaranteed to help you improve.

How To Bake by Paul Hollywood
How to Bake by Paul Hollywood

You should all recognize this celebrity chef from Sunday morning cookery programs on the television, but most of you probably don’t realize that his books are a great way of learning how to bake quickly and produce healthy foods. From the picture on the front cover, you would be forgiven for thinking this was a book containing only cake recipes, but that isn’t the case. Paul explains to you how to create pastry that’s neither unhealthy or stodgy in less than fifteen minutes, which is obviously a skill worth having.

The Ultimate Cookery Course by Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsey Book cover

When we see this guy on TV, he’s usually shouting and swearing at amateur chefs who can’t seem to learn quickly enough for his liking. Still, there can be no denying he is, in fact, an amazing cook, and so this book is an essential read. Inside, you’ll find lots of interesting and original recipes to suit every taste, and best of all, they’re all really healthy when served in moderation. The only thing I would say about Gordon Ramsay is that he tends to over explain things a little, but that isn’t a problem, as you can simply skip the boring bits and get straight to the grub.

Rick Stein’s India by Rick Stein
Rick Stein Cookbook

Considering India is such a poor country, it’s surprising the average life expectancy here is on par with that which you might encounter in the UK or America. All this, and yet most of the population have no access at all to modern medical care. Rick Stein noticed this anomaly too, and so he traveled to the Punjab to collect authentic Indian recipes he believes play a big part in their healthy nature. Obviously, most contain only vegetables, rice and chicken, but as the spices and sauces used are so wide and varying, you’ll never get bored of trying them out.

So there you have it my food-loving friends. Now you can start working towards becoming a supermom in the kitchen and providing quality food for every member of your family. Just remember to always experiment with anything you cook, as this is the best way to improve on your culinary talents.

Have fun!

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