2013 Bell Tower Festival Parade

tractors in parade

Yesterday we traveled to my husband’s hometown for the Bell Tower Festival Parade. Kelsie is with her Dad right now so it was only Aubrey and the twins. Steven’s 10 year reunion is actually this year and the Class of 2003 was part of the parade.

Aubrey at Bell Tower Festival Parade

I can not tell you how anxious I was knowing it would be me, Aubrey, and the twins alone with loud fire trucks, music, all of it. Nathan and Lucas are in a very needy mode lately with teeth coming in and the typical let me out of this seat. Luckily when we are out and about, we do have our Contours Optima Aluminum Tandem Stroller2013 Bell Tower Festival Parade 1 we have used since the twins were little that is great with how easily you can maneuver and how many ways you can adjust seats to make your little ones comfy.

Twins in Kolcraft Tandem Stroller

I can not tell you how impressed I was with the kids. Aubrey stayed nearby when trying to catch candy and would move back when told. I was nervous about the loud trucks and music with the twins and sure enough, they were more intrigued and trying to figure out what on Earth was going on.

Bell Tower Parade
The Isiserettes performing. This group is amazing.

We sat between two older couples that were just tickled by Aubrey and I could tell were impressed by how well behaved she is. Kids older than her by several years would practically throw a temper tantrum when a float did not have candy or would run towards the area Aubrey was standing to grab candy near her. Despite that, my little sweetheart still would give candy to others around her.

It’s moments like today that made me proud of all of my kids for more reasons than one.

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