10+ Great Items for a Kids Travel Kit

Summertime is almost upon us and so are those exciting or dreadful family road trips to your family’s chosen destination.  Whether the destination be the family cabin, Mount Rushmore, or a coastal getaway, a car ride together and time in a strange place can get to be a drag!  To help the hours together fly by, pack a Kids Travel Kit.  Depending on your child(ren)’s age(s) you’ll need to pack accordingly.  Older children can handle more choices and more things at one time, where as toddlers and preschoolers probably need less complicated items to keep them occupied without becoming frusterated (the last thing you need is a screaming, whiney kid upset because the Lego pieces fell between the seats). Here is a list of 10+ GREAT ITEMS FOR A KIDS TRAVEL KIT

  1. Dry Erase Board with low odor/no odor markers and an eraser
  2. Playdoh or Silly Putty
  3. Markers/crayons/colored pencils & paper
  4. Travel sized games
  5. Travel size Magna-Doodle
  6. Scissors & a glue stick
  7. Activity pad (crossword puzzles, word finds, mad libs)
  8. Deck of playing cards (games, card houses)
  9. Pack of stickers, Post-it notes, blank labels (for making stickers)
  10. Clean easy snacks/drinkssuitcase
We did this with our little guy, LC, last summer when he was 2.  We took a family trip out west to Montana for a family wedding. From Minnesota to Montana it’s a longgg way to travel for a 2 year old.  In his travel kit we included new snacks and little items from the Dollar Spot to give him every so often.  It really helped the time pass for him, and for us.  We also broke down and allowed him to use a DVD player in the car.  We’re not real big on the TV in the car business, but it was a great way to get him to relax during the trip there and back.  Our kit was a life saver and I now pack one even when we’re just traveling to the cabin a couple hours away.  When the kids are happy, Mama and Daddy are happy too!
Good luck with your family vacation plans and don’t forget to have fun!
This great post is thanks to Amber at Miracles on Mama Street! Lots of great ideas I know I’ll be needing in the near future!

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  1. you have a great list here. I just took my kids to Mall of America I had all that and more in the carry on.

    THe big one was his very own blanky and a small travel pillow, snacks and juice boxes to drink while the plane takes off. have to protect those ears from poppin.

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